John Miller
In addition to his work as a composing and performing musician, John Miller has close to forty years experience as a music teacher, having begun teaching privately while still in high school. He is available for private instruction in finger-picked Folk guitar, Country Blues guitar, Brazilian guitar, Music theory and chord voicing and composition. John offers private internet lessons and classes.
John has extensive experience teaching groups, with many years service teaching at such music camps as Puget Sound Guitar Workshop, Georgia Strait Workshop, BC Swing Camp, the California Coast Music Camp, the Port Townsend Country Blues Workshop, Augusta National Heritage’s Bluesweek and the Euroblues Promotions Limited's Bluesweek.
Testimonials for John's Teaching
"John is the real thing. He met some of the Blues greats as a youngster, fell in love with the music, and, fortunately for us, has spent his life playing and studying it. He is a true expert in the Blues and a patient and effective teacher. He is the go-to guy if you love this music." Chris, Sand Springs, Oklahoma
"John's group and individual lessons are fun and instructive. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of country blues guitar and is an excellent teacher." Eric, Las Rositas, New Mexico
"John Miller makes the seemingly unfathomable understandable, whether it be via zoom class, book, or transcribed lesson." Laurence, Edinburgh, Scotland
"John breaks down the mysteries of the blues and your instrument into digestible chunks that will improve your playing--and your listening." Mark, Suquamish, WA
"John's lessons are as much about learning to listen as they are about learning to play. And while plenty of people are knowledgeable about the blues, John is deeply insightful about the music. His lessons will help you play better, sure, but you'll also come away with new ways of thinking about the music you care about. There's really nobody else like him." Ian D., CO
Country Blues/Jazz Standards/Original Compositions: Transcriptions by Artist
Here is a list of transcriptions that I have done that are not available on my instructional DVDs or the books that I've written for Stefan Grossman. The list for the Country Blues tunes is alphabetical by the first name of the musician and for the Jazz Standards, which have the playing positions/tunings listed for each song, alphabetical by the song's title. Please note: TABs are not sold, except as part of a lesson order. TABs are not sold separately. I do not do transcriptions of, or lessons on pieces recorded by present-day, living musicians or of performances posted on youtube by present-day musicians. And I do not do transcriptions of, or lessons on different versions of songs by an artist that I've already transcribed one version of, unless the requested version is played in a different playing position or tuning than the version I've already transcribed. And I do not take new transcription orders for songs that are played with a slide in the fretting hand.
I now offer lessons in two formats: hard copy or virtual. Hard copy lessons are available only for U.S. residents. For a hard copy lesson on a song I've already transcribed, the cost is $65 postpaid. Cost of a hard copy lesson that requires me to do a new transcription is $85 postpaid. Cost of a hard copy lesson that requires me to do a new arrangement is $90.00 postpaid. A hard copy lesson includes TAB plus an audio CD (not a visual DVD) on which I talk through the song in detail, including left and right hand efficiencies of motion, fingering and picking tips, etc. PLEASE NOTE: I am now doing virtual lessons with filmed play/talk-throughs of the transcription. The transcription will be saved as a .pdf and sent as an attachment to an email and the film will be sent via wetransfer. Cost of virtual lessons is $55.00 for a pre-transcribed song, $75.00 for a song that requires a new transcription, and $80.00 for a song that requires a new arrangement, with those fees applying worldwide. I am always available for consultation/questions after you've received a lesson, if some aspect of the lesson or transcription is unclear.
Payment for lessons must be made in advance in U. S. funds. If you wish to use a credit card to pay, make a deposit of the appropriate amount to my account at My paypal account is the same as my email address: . Paypal payment is required for all lesson orders originating from outside of the U.S. U.S. residents may choose to pay by a cashier's check or a money order in U. S. funds sent to my address, in lieu of credit card payment:
- John M. Miller
- 3115 Firwood Avenue
- Bellingham, WA 98225
Please send me an email when you've placed a lesson order, letting me know you've placed the order and what song you would like the lesson on, and contact me in advance via email before ordering any lesson that will require a new transcription/arrangement of a song not included on the lists below. Turn-around time on lessons is generally less than a week, if I'm not traveling. I will add songs to the lists below as I perform new transcriptions and keep the lists updated.
Song of the Month
Each month I offer a "Song of the Month" lesson at a special reduced rate of $35.00, for which you receive TAB and a detailed technical play/talk-through of the song. The Song of the Month lesson for February, 2025 is Etta Baker's "Railroad Bill", a beautiful Piedmont instrumental played in C position in standard tuning. The transcription has the song's intro, three passes through the form, an interlude and tag. Orderers will receive the TAB on a .pdf file. A film of me doing a play/talk-through of the song will be sent via wetransfer, so you can both see and hear how the song is played. Cost of a Song of the Month lesson during the month it is featured is $35.00. Payment should be made as stated in the policies above. I hope that you'll take this opportunity to learn a song from one of the finest Piedmont blues guitarists. PLEASE NOTE: These Song of the Month lessons are available at the reduced rate only during the month in which they are featured, after which they will be available at the pre-transcribed rate of $55.00 per lesson.
The Artist of the Month--A Special Offer
Starting in February, 2025, there will be a new feature here. Every month I'll offer lessons on four pre-transcribed songs by the featured Artist of the Month, for the price of three pre-transcribed lessons. That works out to $165.00 for four lessons on songs by the Artist of the Month, where the cost would be a total of $220.00 if you were to order the lessons one at a time. The Artist of the Month for February, 2025 is Bo Carter, and the four songs I'm offering lessons on are Country Fool, in A in standard tuning, Let's Get Drunk Again, in C in standard tuning, Mean Feeling Blues, in Vestapol tuning and She'll Crawl Back Home To You in Dropped-D tuning. I will complete the lessons you order at the rate at which you indicate you'd like to receive them--all at once, or one per week for four weeks. I hope you'll consider this option if you're really serious about digging into the repertoire of your favorite musician. PLEASE NOTE: This offer of four lessons for the price of three applies only in instances where all four songs were performed by the Artist of the Month and the order is placed for all four songs at the same time.
Mac FaceTime/Zoom Lessons
I now offer Mac FaceTime or Zoom lessons to teach songs and to offer technical pointers and trouble-shoot problems you may have encountered in the songs you've been working on. This kind of feedback is invaluable, for it provides the kind of guidance a good teacher would normally provide at follow-up lessons after having given you a new song to work on. To take a FaceTime lesson, you will need to have a Mac or iPad with FaceTime and have a camera in your computer, so that we can communicate visually. Zoom works on either Mac products or PCs. The rate for these lessons is $80.00 for an hour lesson. Send me an email if you would like to do a FaceTime or Zoom lesson and we can figure out a time when we are both available.
Zoom Classes--Expanding Your Blues Vocabulary, Learning Fingerstyle Blues Guitar By Ear and Fingerstyle Blues in Open/Alternate Tunings
In Spring of 2023, I offered three Zoom classes on "Expanding Your Blues Vocabualary". These classes were designed to provide fingerstyle Blues players with the concepts you need in order to come up with your own arrangements of Country Blues songs or to re-arrange songs by your favorite players. The three classes are:
* How to Move Chord Positions and Licks Across the Neck--This class will show you a fool-proof method for moving chord positions and licks across the neck, either bass-to-treble or treble-to-bass, enabling you to play licks and transpose songs to places the original players in the style never played them.
* Understanding and Creating Turn-Arounds--This class will show you how turn-arounds function, looks at several commonly played turn-arounds, and shows you how to make up your own turn-arounds.
* Open tunings--Understanding Them and How to Voice Chords in Them--This class de-mystifies the structure of open tunings and shows how to structure the chords for Blues, I, IV7 and V7 in any open tuning.
In Winter of 2024, I presented a series of four more classes, focusing on Learning Fingerstyle Blues Guitar by Ear. The following classes in that series are now available for purchase.
* Hearing and Playing Blues Guitar Licks in E position, standard tuning--This presentation focuses on playing licks that E position makes easily available on the first five frets; both licks that you’ve heard before and new ones that we’ll make up in class, with a goal of hearing in your head what you want to play before you play it, and knowing where to go on the neck to find the lick.
* Blues Jamming-Keeping It Musical--This presentation focuses building skills that will equip you to participate in blues jams and add something to the musical mix. In addition to the film of the class you'll receive a film with several different blues with which you can practice jamming.
* Figuring Out Fingerstyle Blues By Ear--In this class, I figure out portions of two different fingerstyle blues by ear, and demonstrate a process with logical steps that will help you as you work on building this skill.
* Re-Arranging Fingerstyle Blues Classics--In this class we look at a variety of strategies for creating your own arrangements of classic fingerstyle blues performances
In Spring of 2024, I presented a series of classes on Fingerstyle Blues in Open/Alternate Tunings. Each class begins by locating the blues scale in the tuning and providing fingering for the I, IV and V7 chords. We then examine the ways that different players got around in and utilized the tunings, with the players referred to in each class listed below. Each class concludes with examples of how to create arrangements in the tuning, and possibilities that the tuning offers. The following classes in that series are now available for purchase
* Fingerstyle Blues in Spanish (Open G) Tuning--Musicians cited: John Lee Hooker, R. L. Burnside, Libba Cotten, Furry Lewis, Charlie Patton, Buddy Boy Hawkins, Peg Leg Howell
* Fingerstyle Blues in Vestapol (Open D) Tuning--Musicians cited: J. W. Warren, Fred McDowell, Bo Carter, Leon Strickland, Josh White, Blind Connie Williams
* Fingerstyle Blues in EAEGBE Tuning--Musicians cited: Furry Lewis, Robert Wilkins, Clifford Gibson, Henry Spaulding, Ed Bell, Guitar Shorty, John Miller
* Fingerstyle Blues in DGDGBE Tuning--Musicians cited: Lonnie Johnson, Bo Carter, Jesse Thomas, Lil' Son Jackson
* Fingerstyle Blues in Cross-Note (Open D/E Minor) Tuning--Musicians cited: Skip James, Henry Townsend, Fred McDowell, Robert Wilkins, Hayes McMullan, Jack Owens, Booker White, Arthur Crudup, John Miller
In Summer of 2024, I presented a series of five classes, entitled Masters of Fingerstyle Blues Guitar, with the classes focused on guitarists who have been under-represented in commercially available transcriptions. The guitarists selected for the classes were Buddy Moss, Scrapper Blackwell, Larry Johnson, Bo Carter and Mance Lipscomb.
* Fingerstyle Blues Guitar of Buddy Moss--Buddy Moss was a spectacular guitarist, with an exciting and varied sound, and he was blessed with a tremendous voice, as well. Despite his skills, he is all but unknown to many present-day players of the blues, and his recorded repertoire has not been adequately studied and made available. In this class, we look at a variety of his songs in dropped-D tuning and in E, A, and C in standard tuning, picking up his techniques and pet licks along the way.
* Fingerstyle Blues Guitar of Scrapper Blackwell--To the blues record-buying public of the 1930s, Scrapper Blackwell was best known as the guitar accompanist of the singer and pianist, Leroy Carr. Scrapper also excelled as a solo guitarist, and his powerful time and big sound have seldom been equalled. He was a terrific singer, too. His recording career with Leroy Carr ran from the late 20s through shortly after Leroy’s early death, in the mid-30s. He was rediscovered by the blues researcher Art Rosenbaum, in the late 50s and recorded two albums that came out on Prestige before being murdered. Scrapper’s playing at the time of his death was as strong as that of any re-discovered blues guitarist.In the class, we go over a variety of his recorded performances in E position, A position and D position in standard tuning, with special attention paid to how he used his picking hand and the hallmarks of his chordal approach.
* Fingerstyle Blues Guitar of Larry Johnson--Larry Johnson’s album "Fast and Funky", released on Blue Goose Records around 1970, showcased the arrival of a rarity in the musical language of fingerstyle blues: an Innovator. Coming out of a period of intense woodshedding and study of the guitar, Larry had come up with a way of playing that took advantage of previously unexplored possibilities that the guitar made available to someone with enough imagination to find and utilize them.In the class, we go over a variety of Larry’s songs from "Fast and Funky" (including "Keep It Clean") in A, C, G and D positions in standard tuning, identifying his innovations and other hallmarks of his style, and seeing why his playing and approach were so special.
* Fingerstyle Blues Guitar of Bo Carter--Bo Carter, as a fingerstyle blues guitarist, might be aptly described by the title of one of his songs, "All-Around Man", for he played with equal facility and originality in E, C, and A positions in standard tuning, as well as dropped-D tuning, Vestapol (Open D), and DGDGBE tuning. Bo’s playing did not have a single characteristic sound, for he had an unusually wide expressive range, playing with perfect conviction low-down blues, sophisticated "Pop" blues and occasional pre-Blues folk songs.In the class, we go over songs by Bo in E, A, and C in standard tuning, as well as dropped-D, Vestapol and DGDGBE tunings, focusing on his ideas, favorite licks he would move from tuning to tuning, and his expansive chordal vocabulary, which contributed so much to his distinctive sound.
* Fingerstyle Blues Guitar of Mance Lipscomb--Mance Lipscomb missed out on recording as a young man, but by the time he was recorded, at almost seventy years of age, he had amassed an enormous repertoire of blues, folk songs, Pop hits of yesteryear, and religious numbers. He was a master at spinning variations, and his vocabulary of licks, acquired over a lifetime, was inexhaustible. Hearing him, you realized that the depth of his music would have been impossible for a young player to achieve, however gifted, for it represented the accumulated knowledge of his lifelong experience of playing music.In the class, we go over songs by Mance in E, A, F, C and G positions in standard tuning and in A position in Dropped-D tuning, where Mance did some of his most spectacular playing. We focus, as well, on Mance’s distinctive way of playing time, his catalog of licks, and hallmarks of his approach to arranging, while examining how best to get his sound.
In Fall of 2024, I presented a series of four classes, entitled Creating Your Own fingerstyle Blues Arrangements. The starting place for learning to play fingerstyle blues is learning some songs from past masters of the style. In doing that, you develop coordination in both hands, gain familiarity with different keys and tunings and what they have to offer, and become acquainted with the musical language of the blues. But this necessary early stage of imitation need not be the end of learning. You have the capacity, by using what you already know and learning how to recognize and understand what you’re hearing to create your own arrangements. This series of classes is designed to give you the tools to do just that.
* Creating an Arrangement in Which You Play the Song’s Melody--In this first class, you learn how to tell where a song’s melody sits in the scale and how to determine the melodic range of the song--its low and high points. Then you learn how that information can be used to determine the playing positions to use in arranging the song where the melody will be most easily accessed in the left hand with room for both the melody in the treble and the thumb keeping time in the bass.
* The Signature Lick and How to Use it in Your Arrangement--The second in this series of Zoom classes will focus on the signature lick, the instrumental backbone of so many great Blues performances down through the years. If you think of Blues as a call-and-response between the voice’s call and the guitar’s response, the signature lick is the guitar’s repeated response, a sound that communicates the song’s identity just as much as the lyrics do. At the conclusion of the class, you’ll have a better idea of how to create your own signature licks and will be presented with several songs which are good candidates for which you can practice creating your own signature licks.
* Backing the Vocal--We’ll take a look at how various guitarists have approached accompanying their vocals, and identify a variety of techniques that can be used for that purpose. We’ll also see how different blues forms, 12-bar, 8-bar and 16-bar, can suggest some approaches and essentially reject others. At the conclusion of the class, you’ll have a better idea of how to back blues vocals and will be presented with several songs which are good candidates for which you can practice creating your own accompaniment.
* Putting It All Together--In this final class of the series, we’ll work on integrating the concepts and approaches to arranging presented in the first three classes so that you’ll feel sufficiently prepared to go forward, making your own arrangements. We’ll examine some arranging issues and look at starting points that can give you an idea of how to arrange a song, including changing the rhythmic feel/groove of the song, trying open tunings and seeing what you gain from them and their possible shortcomings, and using emulation as a starting point, by trying to imagine how a favorite player of yours might have played the song you’d like to arrange.
All of these classes have been recorded, and they can be purchased for $40.00 apiece. Make payment as per the policies stated above, and I will send you the class(es) you've ordered via wetransfer, from which you can download the class to your computer.
Country Blues
- Arthur Pettis: That Won't Do, Two Time Blues, Good Boy Blues
- Babe Stovall: Good Morning Blues, The Ship Is At The Landing, Candyman, Going Away To Wear You Off My Mind, How Long How Long Blues, Worried Blues
- Baby Tate: Hey Mama Hey Pretty Girl, My Baby Don't Treat Me Kind, When Your Woman Don't Want You Around, See What You Done Done, Lonesome Over There, Dupree Blues, What Have I Done to You?, Baby, You Just Don't Know, Baby, I'm Going, When I First Started Hoboing, If I Could Holler Like A Mountain Jack
- Barefoot Bill: Snigglin' Blues
- Bayless Rose: Black Dog Blues, Original Blues
- Belton Sutherland: Blues # 2, Blues # 1
- Bert Jansch: A Woman Like You, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, Reynardine, Blackwaterside, Sylvie, Katie Cruel, High Days, Nottamun Town, Build Another Band, St. Fiacre, Summer Heat, Bird Song
- Big Bill Broonzy: Hey Hey Baby, Bull Cow Blues, Long Tall Mama
- Bill Williams: Pocahontas
- Blind Blake: Playing Policy Blues, One Time Blues, Black Dog Blues, Rope Stretching Blues, Georgia Bound, Early Morning Blues, Goodbye Mama Moan, Walkin' Across The Country, Fightin' The Jug, You Gonna Quit Me, Baby, Bad Feeling Blues, Hard Pushing Papa, That Lovin' I Crave, He's In The Jailhouse Now, Dry Bone Shuffle, Take 3, Detroit Bound Blues, Hey Hey Daddy Blues, Wabash Rag, Police Dog Blues
- Blind Boy Fuller: Weeping Willow Blues, Untrue Blues, Catman Blues, I'm A Rattlesnakin'Daddy, Baby, You Gotta Change Your Mind, It Doesn't Matter, Baby, Blue And Worried Man, Lost Lover Blues, When You Are Gone, Thousand Woman Blues, Sweet Honey Hole, Working Man Blues, Worried And Evil Man Blues, Throw Your Yas Yas Back In Jail, I Got A Woman Crazy For Me, I'm A Good Stem Winder, She's A Truckin' Little Baby, Blacksnakin' Jiver, Stop Jivin' Me, Mama, I Want Some of Your Pie, Big Leg Woman Gets My Pay, Some Day You're Gonna Be Sorry, Careless Love, Twelve Gates To The City, Ain't It A Cryin' Shame
- Blind Connie Williams: Precious Lord, Trouble In Mind, I Can See Everybody's Mother But I Can't See Mine
- Blind Joe Reynolds: Nehi Mama Blues
- Blind Lemon Jefferson: I Want to Be Like Jesus in My Heart, Low Down Mojo Blues, Hot Dogs, Corinna Blues, Take 2, Rambler Blues, Bed Spring Blues, Mosquito Moan
- Blind Roosevelt Graves: I Woke Up this Morning With My Mind Standing On Jesus, I'll Be Rested When The Roll Is Called
- Blind Willie McTell: Dark Night Blues, Love Talking Blues, Razor Ball, Blues Around Midnight, Mama,'Tain't Long Fo' Day, This Is Not The Stove To Brown Your Bread, Atlanta Strut, My Baby's Gone, Mama, Let Me Scoop For You, Southern Can Is Mine, Kill It Kid, Don't Forget It, Dyin' Crapshooter's Blues, Baby It Must Be Love, Murderer's Home Blues, Chainey, Travelin' Blues, It's My Desire, Pinetop's Boogie Woogie, Georgia Rag, On The Cooling Board
- Blind Willie Reynolds: Third Street Woman Blues
- Bo Carter: I Get The Blues, Who's Been Here?, Old Devil, The Law Gonna Step on You, Sue Cow, Old Shoe Blues, Country Fool, She's Gonna Crawl Back Home To You, She Keeps On Spending My Change, Someday, Trouble in Blues, Twist it Baby, Don't Mash My Digger So Deep, Let's Get Drunk Again, Bo Carter's Advice, Tush Hog Blues, Rolling Blues, I'm An Old Bumble Bee, Mean Feeling Blues, Ways Like A Crawfish, All Around Man, Beans, What You Want Your Daddy To Do?, Ram Rod Daddy, I Want You To Know, Sorry Feeling Blues, My Little Mind, County Farm Blues, Boot It, Pig Meat Is What I Crave, Who Broke The Latch?
- Bob Campbell: Starvation Farm Blues, Shotgun Blues
- Bobby Grant: Lonesome Atlanta Blues
- Bola Sete: Jongada, Guitar Lamento, Let Go
- Brownie McGhee: Come On If You're Coming
- Buddy Boy Hawkins: Snatch It Back Blues, How Come Mama Blues
- Buddy Moss: I'm Sittin' Here Tonight, Someday Baby, You Need A Woman, Tricks Ain't Walking No More, Dough Rolling Papa, In The Evening, Sleepless Night
- Carl Martin: Crow Jane
- Carolina Slim: Sugaree
- Cecil Barfield: Love Blues, Big Legged Woman, Georgia Blues
- Charley Jordan: Hunkie Tunkie Blues, Keep It Clean, Two Street Blues, Stack O' Dollars Blues
- Charlie Manson: Nineteen Women Blues
- Charlie Patton: Pony Blues, Poor Me, Heart Like Railroad Steel, Love My Stuff, High Water Everywhere, Part 1
- Charlie Pickett: Down the Highway
- Clifford Gibson: Old Time Rider, Blues Without A Dime, Keep Your Windows Pinned, Tired of Being Mistreated, Part One, House Top Blues
- Curley Weaver: Some Rainy Day, Trixie
- Dave Van Ronk: Losers, Motherless Children, Another Time And Place, Michigan Water Blues, Don't You Leave Me Here, Oh Lord, Search My Heart, Yas-Yas-Yas, Betty and Dupree, Pastures of Plenty, Hesitation Blues, Buckets of Rain, The Urge For Going, Long John, Jivin' Man Blues, Old Blue, Nobody Knows The Way I Feel this Morning, If You Leave Me, Pretty Mama, Casey Jones, God Bless The Child, Left Bank Blues, Mack The Knife, Antelope Rag, Bad Dream Blues
- Davy Graham: Rock Me, Baby, Angi, She Moved Through The Fair, Jane, Jane, Panic Room Blues, Misirlou, Pretty Saro, Hares On The Mountain, Nottamun Town
- Doc Watson: Mattie Groves, Sitting On Top of the World, Georgie Buck (banjo)
- Dock Boggs: Country Blues (banjo)
- Ed Bell: Hambone Blues, Mamlish Blues, Squabblin' Blues, She's A Fool Gal
- Eddie Head: Within My Mind
- Edward Thompson: West Virginia Blues, Seven Sisters Blues, Showers of Rain Blues
- Eli Framer: Framer's Blues
- Estil C. Ball: Pretty Polly, Grandfather's Clock
- Etta Baker: Dew Drop, Railroad Bill, One Dime Blues, Crow Jane, Lost John
- Etta James: Crawling King Snake
- Eugene Powell (Sonny Boy Nelson): How You Want Your Rolling Done?
- Floyd Council: Looking For My Baby, Poor And Ain't Got A Dime, Working Man Blues
- Frank Hovington: Lonesome Road Blues, 90 Going North
- Frank Hutchison: The Deal
- Frank Stokes: It Won't Be Long
- Fred McDowell: I'm Goin' Over The Hill, Poor Boy, Long Way From Home, Let Me Lay Down In Your Cool Iron Bed, Jim, Steam Killed Lula, My Baby Has Eyes Like An Eagle, Take 2, Will Me Your Gold Watch And Chain, Won't Be Worried Long
- Freezone: Indian Squaw Blues
- Funny Papa Smith: Tell It To The Judge, Pt. 1
- George Carter: Weeping Willow Blues
- George Torey: Lonesome Man Blues, Married Woman Blues
- Geeshie Wiley: Last Kind Words Blues, Skinny Leg Blues
- Gwen Foster: Bay Rum Blues
- Hambone Willie Newbern: Roll And Tumble Blues
- Hayes McMullan: Who Gonna Be Your Baby?, Sugar, Gonna Get A Woman, Look-A Here, Woman
- Henry Johnson: My Dog's Blues
- Henry Spaulding: Cairo Blues
- Henry Thomas: Texas Easy Street
- Henry Townsend: Jack of Diamonds-Georgia Rub
- Herman E. Johnson: Depression Blues
- Honeyboy Edwards: Spread My Raincoat Down
- Ian Buchanan: Too Close To Heaven, True Religion, How Long, Ramrod Daddy, Keep On Trucking, Winding Boy, Good Morning Blues, Ride My Mule, Silver City Bound
- Isaiah Nettles: It's Cold In China Blues
- Ishmon Bracey: Woman, Woman Blues, Saturday Blues
- Jack Owens: Jack Ain't Had No Water, Train Time, It Must Have Been The Devil, I Love My Baby, Catfish Blues, Can't See, Baby
- Jack Rose: Kensington Blues
- J B Lenoir: Alabama Blues, Slow Down, Born Dead
- Jean Bosco Mwenda: Mama Na Mwana, Masanga
- Jesse Thomas: My Heart's A Rolling Stone, Blue Goose Blues
- Jesse Lee Vortis: When My Baby Got On Board
- Jesse Wadley: Alabama Prison Blues
- Jessie Mae Hemphill: Eagle Bird, Go Back To Your Used-To-Be, You Can Talk About Me, All Night Boogie
- Joe Callicott: Frankie and Albert, Let Your Deal Go Down, Roll and Tumble, Fare Thee Well Blues (Fat Possum version), France Chance, Frankie And Albert (Fat Possum version), Lonesome Katy, Good Time Blues
- Joe Harris: Baton Rouge Rag
- Joe McCoy: When The Levee Breaks, Joliet Bound, Sundown Blues
- John Fahey: The Last Steam Engine Train, Orinda Moraga, Wine And Roses, Beverly
- John Jackson: Steamboat Whistle Blues, Rocks And Gravel, Going Down In Georgia On A Horn, You Ain't No Woman
- John Hartford: Presbyterian Guitar
- John Lee Hooker: Rabbit In A Log, Six Little Puppies And Twelve Shaggy Hounds, I Rolled And Turned And Cried The Whole Night Long, In The Evening When The Sun Goes Down, Jack o' Diamonds, Two White Horses
- John Miller: arr. Bull Doze Blues, Titanic, I Never Cried, arr. Try Me One More Time, Muskrat Ramble, When We All Get Home/Ginny's Frolic, Wild About My Lovin', Motherless Child, Cool, Baby, Cool, arr. Rope Stretchin' Blues, arr. Dirty Deeds, arr. Who's Been Here?, Smooth Blues For E. H., This Old Hammer, arr. Longing For My Sugar, arr. Shady Lane, arr. How Long, How Long Blues, arr. Viola Lee Blues, arr. Oh Mary, Don't You Weep, arr. Minglewood Blues, arr. Trouble In The Air, arr. My Bucket's Got A Hole In It, arr. Where Shall I Be, Barbara Allen, Tennessee Waltz, What Are They Doing In Heaven Today?, arr. Hello Stranger, arr. Motherless Child Blues, arr. Fishing Blues, My Easy Rider, Exercises, arr. Walk On Boy, arr. Beans, arr. Tippin' Out, arr. Fair and Tender Ladies, arr. Little Sadie, arr. Wildwood Flower, arr. Old Blue, arr. Little Darling Pal of Mine, arr. Green, Green Rocky Road, arr. Jack-A-Roe, arr. Do Re Mi, arr. House of the Rising Sun, arr. Talking Dustbowl Blues, arr. We Shall All Be Reunited, Obsesion, arr. God's Gonna Cut You Down, arr. Hesitation Blues, arr. Rolling Log Blues, Ca' The Yowes, Looly, Looly, The Banks of Claudy,
Fare Thee, The Mountains of Mourne,Planxty Irwin, Lass Of Gowrie, The White Cockade, arr. Soul of a Man, New Cairo Blues, Barbara Allen, Fields of Gold, arr. Special Agent, Mary, Did You Know?, arr. Some Sweet Rainy Day, I Ain't Got No Home, Rally 'Round The Flag, arr. After Hours, That Gal, arr. Candyman, Chester County, arr. Mistake In Life, arr. Lay Some Flowers On My Grave, arr. From Four Until Late, Spanish Breakdown, arr. High Lonesome Hill, arr. Rowdy Blues, arr. Take Me Back, arr. Hard Times Come Again No More, arr. St. Louis Blues, arr. Salty Dog, arr. Oh Susanna, arr. Camptown Races, arr. Brahms' Lullaby, arr. Sloop John B., Tribute To John Fahey, The Cat's Got The Measles And The Dog's Got The Whooping Cough, I Forgot To Remember To Forget, As I Roved Out, Donal Og, I Once Loved A Lad, Streets of Laredo, Wild Mountain Thyme, Gabriel's Oboe, Man of Constant Sorrow, Pork's Chops, America The Beautiful, Happy Birthday, Pork's Chops, arr. One Dime Blues, arr. Pokino Blues, arr. Tell Old Bill
- John Renbourn: Buckets of Rain, If You Haven't Any Hay
- Johnny Shines: Drunken Man's Prayer
- Johnny St. Cyr: Guitar Blues
- Joseph Spence: Face To Face That I Shall Know Him, Out On The Rolling Sea
- Josh White: I Don't Intend To Die In Egyptland
- Junior Kimbrough: Meet Me In The City
- Karen Dalton: Blues Jumped The Rabbit
- Kid Cole: Hard Hearted Mama Blues
- Kid Prince Moore: Sign Of Judgement, Church Bells, Mississippi Water, Bug Juice Blues
- Lane Hardin: California Desert Blues
- Larry Johnson: Keep it Clean, The Beat from Rampart Street, Four Women Blues, Charley Stone, Ragged And Dirty, Two White Horses, Cookbook, Up North Blues, Frisco Blues, Seaboard Train Blues
- Leadbelly: Dancing With Tears In My Eyes, How Come You Do Me Like You Do, If It Wasn't For Dicky, New York City, I'll Be Down On The Last Bread Wagon, TB Blues, Take A Whiff On Me, Roberta, Mr. Tom Hughes' Town, Titanic, Easy, Mr. Tom, He Never Said A Mumbling Word, Relax Your Mind, Boll Weevil, Death Letter Blues, John Henry, House Of The Rising Sun, Shorty George, I'm Alone Because I Love You, De Kalb Blues
- Lesley Riddle: I Know What It Means To Be Lonesome
- Libba Cotten: When I Get Home, 'Til We Meet Again, Jesus Is Tenderly Calling, Sweet Bye and Bye, What A Friend We Have in Jesus, Look and Live, My Brother, Ain't Got No Honey Babe Now, Mama, Nobody's Here But The Baby, Going Down The Road Feeling Bad, Ontario Blues, I Don't Love Nobody, Little Brown Jug, Ball The Jack, Washington Blues, Take Me Back To Baltimore, When I'm Gone, Graduation March, Gaslight Blues, Jenny, Home Sweet Home
- Lightnin' Hopkins: Trouble In Mind, Penitentiary Blues, Goin' Back To Florida, Fan It
- Lil' Son Jackson: Cairo Blues
- Little Brother: Up And Down Buildin' The KC Line
- Little Hat Jones: Corpus Blues
- Lonnie Johnson: Helena Blues (accompanying Mooch Richardson), Life Saver Blues, Got The Blues for Murder Only, Man-Killing Broad, I'm Nuts About That Gal
- Lonzie Thomas: Rabbit On A Log, Raise A Ruckus Tonight #1, Hard Pill To Swallow, Three Women
- Lottie Kimbrough: Rolling Log Blues, Going Away Blues
- Louie Lasky: Teasin' Brown Blues
- Lucious Curtis: High Lonesome Hill
- Luke Jordan: Won't You Be Kind?, Traveling Coon
- Mager Johnson: Travelling Blues
- Mance Lipscomb: Goin' Down Slow, Silver City Bound, If I Miss the Train, One Thin Dime, Wonder Where My Easy Rider Gone, Ella Speed, Ain't It Hard, Take Me Back, Babe, Casey Jones, Angel Child, Blues In The Bottle, Freddie, Knocking down Windows, So Different Blues, Cocaine Done Killed My Baby, Mama Don't Allow, Keep On Trucking, Shine On, Harvest Moon, Hattie Green, Black Rat, Sugar Babe
- Marshall Owens: Try Me One More Time, Texas Blues
- Martin Carthy: Scarborough Fair
- Mattie Delaney: Down The Big Road Blues
- Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis: Two Trains Running
- Maybelle Carter: I Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow, Single Girl, Married Girl, Carter's Blues, Hello Stranger, Black Jack David, I Never Will Marry
- Memphis Minnie: Drunken Barrelhouse, I'm Sailing
- Memphis Willie B.: Worried Man Blues
- Mississippi John Hurt: Shortnin' Bread, Spider, Spider, You've Got To Die, All Night Long, Talking Casey, Blind Man Sit In the Way and Cried, Good Morning Miss Carrie, You Are My Sunshine, Farther Along, Nearer My God To Thee, God's Unchanging Hand, Bye And Bye I will See Jesus, Nobody's Dirty Business, Ain't No Tellin', Corrinna, Corrinna, Beulah Land, Since I've Laid My Burden Down, Tender Virgins, Baby, What's Wrong With You?
- Myrt Holmes: Come Here, Faro
- Oscar Aleman: Tico Tico Non Fuba
- Papa Charlie Jackson: Texas Blues, Your Baby Ain't Sweet Like Mine, You Put It In And I'll Take It Out, Ash Tray Blues, Coffee Pot Blues, Up The Way Bound, Take 1, I Like to Love My Baby, Good Doing Papa Blues
- Papa Egg Shell: Goin' Up the Country, Part 2
- Pete Huttlinger: Little Martha
- Pete Seeger: Living In The Country, The Bells of Rhymney
- Peg Leg Howell: Fo' Day Blues, Coal Man Blues, New Prison Blues
- Pernell Charity: War Blues
- Pille Bolling: Shake Me Like A Dog
- Pink Anderson: Meet Me In The Bottom, I Got Mine, I'm Going To Walk Through The Streets of the City, Ain't Nobody Home But Me, Greasy Greens, Mutton Stew, My Baby Left Me This Morning, Every Day of the Week, Sugar Babe, Mama Where Did You Stay Last Night, He's In The Jailhouse Now, Every Day of the Week (from "Gospel, Blues and Street Songs"), Big House Blues, Baby Please Don't Go, Boweevil, Travelin' Man, I Had My Fun, South Forest Boogie
- Planxty: As I Roved Out
- "Rabbit" Brown: James Alley Blues
- Ranie Burnette: Lonesome Moon Blues, Hungry Spell, Gone Dead On You
- Reese Crenshaw: Trouble
- Rev. Gary Davis: Cocaine Blues, Candyman, Devil's Dream, I Decided To Go Down, You Got To Move, Tryin' To Get To Heaven In Due Time, Save Your Money, John D. Rockefeller, Oh Glory, How Happy I Am, I Am The Light of This World, There's A Table Sittin' In Heaven, Lord, I Feel Just Like Going On, I'll Fly Away, Bad Company, You Got To Go Down, Oh Lord, Search My Heart, Lo, I Be With You Always, Great Change Since I Been Born, Lost Boy In The Wilderness, I'm Glad I'm In That Number, Lord I looked Down That Road, God's Gonna Separate The Wheat From The Tares, Stand By Me, Won't You Hush, Honey, Get Your Towel Wet, I Am The True Vine, When The Train Comes Along, Twelve Gates To The City, Say No To The Devil
- Rich Trice: Bed Spring Blues
- Richard Williams: Old Forty
- R. L. Burnside: Goin' Down South, Don't Care How Long You're Gone, See What My Buddy Done, Miss Maybelle, Mellow Peaches, Lost Without Your Love, Gone So Long, Rollin' And Tumblin'
- Robert Belfour: My Baby's Gone, Hill Stomp, You Got Me Crying, Done Got Old, Pushin' My Luck
- Robert Johnson: Teraplane Blues, Malted Milk
- Robert Junior Lockwood: Take A Little Walk With Me
- Robert Petway: Sleepy Woman Blues, Bertha Lee Blues
- Robert Wilkins: Nashville Stonewall Blues, Alabama Blues, Holy Ghost Train, Oh Lord, I Want You To Help Me
- Robert Pete Williams: Louise, Just Tippin' In, Up And Down Blues, I've Grown So Ugly
- Roosevelt Holts: Little Bitty Woman, Prison Bound, She Put Me Outdoors, Lead Pencil Blues, Rocks In My Pillow, I'm Going To Build Right On That Shore
- Rosa Lee Hill: Rolled and Tumbled
- Sam Chatmon: Frankie Jean, Ashtray Taxi, Hollandale Blues, Prowlin' Groundhog, I Can't Use You No More, Brownskin Woman, Black Nights, Stoop Down, Baby, Let Your Daddy See, That's All Right, I Stand And Wonder
- Sam Collins: Slow, Mama, Slow
- Scrapper Blackwell: Goin' Where The Monon Crosses the Yellow Dog, Back Door Blues, Down South Blues, Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out, E Blues, Trouble Blues, Part 2, D Blues, Down In Black Bottom, Penal Farm Blues, Whiskey Man Blues
- Shirley Griffith: Meet Me In The Bottom, River Line Blues, Saturday Blues, Shaggy Hound Blues, Maggie Campbell Blues, Back to Bed
- Skip James: Cypress Grove Blues, Hard Time Killing Floor Blues, My Last Boogie, Catfish Blues, Illinois Blues
- Smoky Babe: If I Had Listened To What My Mama Say
- Son House: Depot Blues, Louise McGhee
- Spark Plug Smith: Vampire Women
- Sweet Papa Stovepipe: Mama's Angel Child
- Sylvester Weaver: Can't Be Trusted Blues
- Tarheel Slim: 'Fore Day Creep
- Teddy Bunn: Blues Without Words
- Teddy Williams: Sun Don't Shine, Down Home Blues, Black Mattie
- Tom Dickson: Death Bell Blues, Worry Blues, Labor Blues
- Tommy Johnson: Lonesome Home Blues, Take 1 (Victor version), Ridin' Horse
- Tommy McClennan: New Highway 51 Blues, Bottle It Up And Go, I'm A Guitar King
- Uncle Bud Walker: Look Here Mama Blues
- Walter Roland: Guitar Stomp
- Walter Vinson: Stop and Listen Blues, Somebody's Got To Help You, The World Is Going Wrong, Lonely One In This Town, You Know What You Promised Me, Every Dog Must Have His Day
- William Brown: Ragged And Dirty
- William Harris: Kansas City Blues, Kitchen Range Blues, Keep Your Man Out of Birmingham
- William McCoy: Central Tracks Blues
- William Moore: Old Country Rock, One Way Gal
- Willie Trice: Be Your Dog, Sweet Sugar Mama, Come On In Here, Mama
- Yank Rachell: Matchbox Blues
Jazz Standards
- A Wink And A Smile (C, standard tuning)
- Ain't That a Kick In the Head (D, standard tuning)
- Alfie (A, standard tuning)
- All The Things You Are, re-harmonization (E, standard tuning)
- Alma Ville (F, Dropped-D tuning)
- Alone Again, Naturally (A, standard tuning)
- Autumn In New York (D, standard tuning)
- Autumn Leaves (A minor, standard tuning)
- Baltimore Oriole (A minor, Dropped-D tuning)
- Blackberry Winter (D, Dropped-D tuning)
- Blue In Green (D minor, standard tuning)
- Blue Moon (C, Dropped-D tuning)
- The Blue Room (D, Dropped-D tuning)
- Brazil (C, standard tuning)
- The Brooklyn Bridge (A flat, standard tuning)
- Bye Bye Blackbird (C, standard tuning)
- Christmas Song (A, standard tuning)
- Christmastime Is Here (A, standard tuning)
- Crazy (A, standard tuning)
- Cry Me A River (A minor, C, standard tuning)
- Danny Boy (A, standard tuning)
- Delta Bound (D, A, standard tuning)
- Don't Know Why (A, standard tuning
- Downtown (C, standard tuning)
- Edelweiss (E position, standard tuning)
- El Morro Nao Tem Vez (A, standard tuning)
- The Face I Love (D, standard tuning)
- Feed The Birds (Eb minor, Gb, standard tuning)
- For No One (A, standard tuning)
- Girl From Ipanema (D, standard tuning)
- Grown-Up Christmas List (C, standard tuning)
- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (A, standard tuning)
- Here I'll Stay (G, Dropped-D tuning)
- Here, There, and Everywhere (G, standard tuning)
- Hey There (C, Dropped-D tuning)
- Hooked On A Feeling (A, standard tuning)
- How About Me (G, dropped-D tuning)
- Hushabye Mountain (A minor, Dropped-D tuning)
- I Could Write A Book (A, Dropped-D tuning)
- I Get A Kick Out Of You (D, standard tuning)
- I Thought About You (G, Dropped-D tuning)
- I Will (G, standard tuning)
- If I Only Had A Brain (A, standard tuning)
- I'll Be Home for Christmas (F, standard tuning)
- In My Life (A, standard tuning)
- It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (C, standard tuning)
- It Had To Be You (G, standard tuning)
- It's The Talk of the Town (E, standard tuning)
- Just Because (A, standard tuning)
- Just In Time (G, Dropped-D tuning)
- King of the Road (A and E, standard tuning)
- La Vie En Rose (A, standard tuning)
- Lazy River (F, standard tuning)
- Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! (A position, standard tuning)
- Little Girl Blue (D, standard tuning)
- Love Is The Sweetest Thing (G, standard tuning)
- Manha do Carnaval (Am, standard tuning
- Manhattan Serenade (D, standard tuning)
- Marionett (G, standard tuning)
- Mary, Did You Know? (Am, standard tuning
- Mercy, Mercy, Mercy (A, standard tuning)
- Midnight With the Music and You (F# and D, standard tuning)
- Moon River (A, standard tuning)
- Moonglow (D, dropped D tuning)
- My Foolish Heart (A, standard tuning)
- My Rifle, My Pony And Me (C, standard tuning)
- My Time of Day (F, G, standard tuning)
- New York, New York (C, E, standard tuning)
- Nice 'n' Easy (A, standard tuning)
- Oh Susanna (re-harmonized) (A position, standard tuning
- On the Trail of the Lonesome Pine (F position, standard tuning)
- Patricia (A, standard tuning)
- Piano Man (C, standard tuning)
- Pure Imagination (D, standard tuning)
- Russian Lullaby (A minor, standard tuning)
- Shine On, Harvest Moon (A minor, C, standard tuning)
- Silver Bells (E, standard tuning)
- Sleigh Ride (A, standard tuning)
- Smile (E, standard tuning)
- Smoke Rings (D flat, standard tuning)
- So What (D, Dorian mode, Dropped-D tuning)
- Some Other Time (A, standard tuning)
- Song of Bernadette (A, Dropped-D tuning)
- St. Thomas (D, Dropped-D tuning)
- Stardust (G, standard tuning)
- Stolen Moments (A, Dorian mode, standard tuning)
- Sunday in New York (B, standard tuning)
- Swinging On A Star (G, standard tuning)
- The Candyman (D flat, standard tuning)
- The Nearness of You (A, Dropped-D tuning)
- The Very Thought of You ( E flat, standard tuning)
- The Way You Look Tonight (A, standard tuning)
- Theme From MASH (C, A minor, standard tuning)
- There Will Never Be Another You (G, Dropped-D tuning)
- These Foolish Things (A, standard tuning)
- Think of Me Thinking of You (Open D tuning)
- This Could Be the Start of Something Big (G, standard tuning)
- This Masquerade (E minor, standard tuning)
- 'Til There Was You (A, standard tuning)
- Unforgettable (A, standard tuning)
- What The World Needs Now (G, standard tuning)
- When You Wish Upon A Star (D, standard tuning)
- White Christmas (G, DGDGBE tuning)
- Winter Wonderland (A position, standard tuning)
- Wonder Why (G, Dropped-D tuning)
- Young At Heart (D, Dropped-D tuning)
John Miller Originals
- Amor de mi Vida (D, Dropped-D tuning)
- Anne's Waltz (A, Dropped-D tuning)
- Chant (B, standard tuning)
- Don't Wake Me Up I Might Stop Dreaming (D, Dropped-D tuning)
- En Route (G, standard tuning
- Honey (D major, Vestapol tuning)
- Hymn (A flat, standard tuning)
- I Think I Know (B major, D major, and F# major, standard tuning)
- If And When (G, standard tuning)
- Jalapenos (G, DADGAD tuning)
- La Rosa Negra (C#minor, standard tuning)
- Las Tres Hermanas (F minor, standard tuning)
- Last March (D minor, dropped-D tuning)
- Left Behind (G# minor, standard tuning)
- Mi Amigo Carlos (A, standard tuning)
- Not Yet . . . Now (Eb minor, standard tuning
- On The Verge (C# minor, standard tuning)
- Passing By (A minor, standard tuning
- The Last Time (Bflat, Open Bflat tuning)
- The Singing Moon (F, standard tuning)
- Souvenir de Caracas (A minor, A major, standard tuning)
- Suspiro (E minor, standard tuning)
- Sustenance (E minor, standard tuning)
- Un Enigma (D major/B minor, dropped-D tuning)
- Waiting (D minor, dropped-D tuning)
- When We Get To Heaven (Bflat, Open Bflat tuning)
- Winter Waltz (G minor, standard tuning)